Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Loving and Diligence

It's a new year, and similar to the BFF Alli, I too find myself falling into that "new year rut." Even though I've already established my unofficial New Year's Resolution, it's hard to remember that we are made new by the Creator, and not by our own efforts to be better. This is a relief to me, but I also know we are called to be diligent, to work toward the Kingdom, to make life's little moments count and to do all for the glory of God. Even when we fail, we know that we are being sanctified, being made one degree of glory to the next in His image! What hope we have in Christ! I'm trying to remember that it all counts; I am given each breath to praise Him for what He's done, and for the many blessings I've received. To learn more about thankfulness and the language of gratitude, I highly recommend getting to know this woman's heart.

So when I find myself feeling the weight of the new year, I take a look at what He's laying before me, and celebrate the little things. Two most important on my mind:

My Home
working part-time has been hard for me. I've found myself feeling lazy or guilty when I don't do everything perfectly. But a friend recently encouraged me by reminding me that I am in a new chapter of my life, it's okay to give yourself a break. I'm learning how to be a wife, how to live as a college grad, how to live with other things going on that make relationships really difficult. I'm figuring out who I am all over again. And thankfully, I have friends who point me to Christ to do that. Now that I decided to go into this new year without being hard on myself for things out of my control, I'm more excited about tackling the little things. I'm excited about planning meals better, saving better, being a supportive wife, friend, daughter, sister, and Christian. I'm excited that my home is becoming a place where I feel encouraged, inspired, and loved.

My New Discovery
I never thought I would say this, but I've discovered a new desire and I'm really excited about what the future holds. Being a lover of literature, I always assumed I wanted to be an editor of sorts. Even when I had some semi-important doors opening among a prestigious literary magazine, I became apathetic. I wasn't feeling passionate about the work; and to be quite honest with you, I became increasingly disheartened by those around me who so clearly loved that world much more than I think I ever could. I didn't feel like I was enough. It wasn't for me, and it really shocks me to say that.

Around Christmas break (I know.. talk about NEW discovery) I had a thought and this thought grew into an intrigue, and this intrigue grew into a "what if" and this what if grew into a "do I want this" and that "do I want this" turned into a desire... For the next few months, I am applying to get my masters in Library and Information Sciences to become a Children's Librarian. I've been researching and praying, and to be honest with you, I don't know if this desire will turn into a reality. I am applying to an online program for when I move to Houston in June, but the thought of it is thrilling. I am only applying to one program as of right now, so if the Lord wants it, it will happen. If He doesn't, it's not the right time or the right path for me. I've been encouraged by several amazing librarians.. especially Sarah. I'm so excited to start volunteering at Wiley Elementary School and the Cameron Village Library. I'm taking each small hurdle of this application and learning process one day at a time, and I'm loving it.

Join me when the going gets tough. What small hurdles are you making, and are you letting yourself enjoy those hard but rewarding moments this new year? Are you making it count? It's not easy friends and I am constantly failing at this, but you can be sure of this: He is the potter - the Creator. And we are pliable in His hands!

Love, Mollie


  1. Mollie - I feel like a total stalker right now, however...I've been reading ya'lls blog from twitter for a while now and read something I really liked here, that you want to be a children's librarian.

    It just so happens there is a current petition at the White House to keep books in schools. I thought you and Alli could promote this and definitely add your names.

    Here is the link:


  2. Spade (ahem.. *Mrs. Childs*) I love you. You are the best!

    Cassie I'm so glad you found the blog! And THANK YOU for sending that link, that is definitely something I want to promote. Hope you're doing well!
