Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hello World, I'm Alive!

It's been a crazy summer filled with wedding planning, job hunting, and Alinea dreaming. I can't believe the wedding is in 3 days! I'm so thankful for the help I've received, and also thankful to have my wonderful friend Allison "man the blog" all this time. What a sweet gal... and might I add, I am so ready to try the delicious cakes she is making for our wedding.

Thinking about the big day has been surprisingly relaxed; maybe it's because I have a detail-oriented, engineer-minded fiance to handle all the icky planning I don't like. We balance each other out. 

Maybe the reason I am so relaxed is because I cannot stop thinking about our honeymoon location and how sleepy-wonderful-relaxing it will be. We are fortunate enough to go to Aaron's Aunt and Uncle's cabin in Grandfather Mountain. I LOVE the mountains, and I'm so pumped to eat at the restaurants his Aunt has been raving about. 

Even though I cannot WAIT for the wedding and the honeymoon, my mind is swimming with other smaller joys to look forward to. I'm ready to grow with my husband in the every-day-sort-of-moments, and to see the Lord work in our covenant marriage. With this big day right around the corner, I can't help but think about all of the things I'm ready to learn when we are back in Raleigh.

Here is a list of the little, often times hidden joys and challenges we are looking forward to together as well as the bigger life moments we hope to experience together: 

Spend an entire Saturday afternoon in a hammock
Learn to garden
make something on a potting wheel
vacation to Northern California 
play tennis
host a neighborhood cookout
memorize scripture
Kayak in Grandfather Mountain
make new and fun breakfast meals
go on a walk together everyday for our first year of marriage
paint an old piece of furniture
Travel to Thailand... and Ireland!
Host a 1920s party and go ALL out
make a tree house
go through a foster care class
spend a day museum hopping
play music together
take a ballroom dance class together
collect teapots
Stay in a cabin in Sedona, AZ for a week
pay for a kid to go to YL camp
weekend trips with friends

These are just a few things from my life list, something fun and inspiring that is sweeping the blogging world. These amazing women bloggers have inspired my life list immensely, especially the woman who started it all, Maggie Mason

What's YOUR life list? 


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