Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Strong One

Our freshman year, Mollie and I just happened upon a poetry reading hosted by Windhover,  NC State's award winning literary magazine. We sat, marveled at the boldness of all who read their poetry for everyone to hear, and politely clapped as each poet walked away from the podium.

Though no lyric or stanza had yet moved us to tears, we were content to be around like minded people and finally not feel like the odd man out at our engineering-loving school. That was, until, Tim Reavis stepped on the floor. He read us his poem about his dinosaur best friend and Mollie and I left speechless.

Afterwards, when Mollie and I talked about that night, we said everyone was good, but that dinosaur guy was awesome. He was just awesome.

Josh Bielick made a video based on Reavis's poem. I hope you like it. Now go ride your best dinosaur and "remember who the strong one is."

Love, Alli


  1. This is amazing. I'm a sucker for anything with dinosaurs, but this is legit. Brings tears to the eye.

    1. Isn't it great? It brought tears to my eyes too. How did you hear of "The Strong One"? -Alli
