Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wedding Magazines v. Blogs


As you know, even though I wasn't engaged until late September, I've been guiltily following several wedding blogs under the pretenses of doing research for my friends' weddings.  I found some very pretty things and carefully documented each idea on Pinterest.  Once I became engaged, however, I began to tire of the blogs.  It seemed like the same-old, same-old over and over again and I wanted to look for something new.

While on vacation, my mom and I went grocery shopping, and there I purchased my first two wedding magazines.  It was an exciting moment.  I've grown up watching women in movies read these magazines as if they were their lifeblood, and I was finally among the select few who could possess a wedding magazine without having to hide it with a secret stash under my bed. I had arrived.

Later that day, I excitedly headed out to the beach, armed with my Martha Stewart Weddings and The Knot Magazine. Within 15 or 20 minutes, however, I tossed the magazines aside and headed back to the villa to grab the novel I had been working on.

Since then, whenever I'm at the grocery store, I head to the magazine section, flip through new editions and different titles, but nothing really catches my eye. The wedding magazine has disappointed me.

Maybe it's because I've already purchased my dress and I can't bare to look at one more David's Bridal ad.  Maybe it's because I want to implement more DIY aspects into my wedding and the magazines are more focused on what you can buy where.  Or, maybe it's because I can envision my own wedding better while studying the real weddings of the beautiful brides I see on the web.

All I know is that, in my eyes, the blog has won.

Green Wedding Shoes

Now, don't get me wrong, I think these magazines are fantastic.  They are very well done, and if I ever was offered the opportunity to even observe these people at work I would consider it a high honor. The writers and editors who create these publications are very talented and they certainly know what they are doing. I humbly realize, and admit, that I could learn a lot from them.

However, the magazines are not for me and my tastes.

I never thought the day would come when I would pick a digital media over print, but here it is. I love my wedding blogs.  I cling to them.  I say, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Please forgive me. Show me more of your secrets!"  They sweetly respond with a, "Sure, why not," and continue to fill my Google reader with breath-taking photos and creative DIY projects. My Pinterest boards continue to be filled and I thank the blog for understanding my brief hiatus.

Some of my personal favorites for inspiration are Green Wedding Shoes, Once WedRuffled, and Style Me Pretty. Do you have any favorites?

What are your thoughts on the battle between blog and print? Do you have a preference? I'd love to know!

Love, Alli

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